Please insert Twighlight Zone-esque music. As it seems, this phenomena, mostly affecting men, is a very common occurrence among men and women alike. The dreaded Friend Zone.
Common side effects include: shattered hopes, broken egos, blue balls, general embarrassment, and excessive spending at bars on the opposite sex.
In my studies, this seems to most commonly affect people of the male persuasion. Guys must walk a fine line in the initial dates, that line being between friendship and doing the no pants dance. You don't want to come across too nice and "great" as women tend not to want to date a really nice guy (that's saved for marriage). They want an asshole that will treat them like crap initially, but one they can work on (a project if you will) and someone that they can change . . . silly girls. But also, in most instances you can't be too forward and admit that the primary reason you're actually taking time out for the night with your friends is that this girl/guy has either a smoking body or great looks that you would like to ravage in a drunken stupor. In any case, it seems as though you have a 2-3 hangout limit before you break that dreaded threshold. If ass is not received or given within that timeframe, at least one party loses interest (usually the female) and from then on out, the only conversations you'll be having with her will be about how her friends are annoying and shit about her ex. It's all over buddy; time to move on.
Guys, it's hard to accept it, but you know there are women out there that you are friends with that you still manage to keep that glimmer of hope that one day she will either: a) get so horny/desperate that she'll decide to hook up with you, or b) get drunk and realize you're "such a great friend" and give you a small token of her appreciation. That's not going to happen, so take that thought out of your head. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be so you can take your efforts elsewhere.
Girls, basically any crazy thought you may develop while drunk or desperate (because let's face it, no woman in her right mind would do anything otherwise) about hooking up with a friend, would most likely become a reality if willed. I know it's hard to swallow, but most guys would jeopardize a good friendship just to have that one nighter.
However, there is something positive that can come from the "Friend Zone." This would be the person's other friends. Now that you've established that base of legitimacy and decency, what better way to find/meet other people than through your friends? To be continued . . .
Song of the Week: "Garden of Light" by Isis.
Quote of the Week: "We all know that no woman anywhere wants to have sex with anyone, and to titillate us with any thoughts otherwise is just bogus." – Peter Griffin (yes, from Family Guy)
Random Fact of the Week: Los Angeles has more lawyers than France
Picture of the Week: If you have friends that stand outside the Friend Zone, why not start the weekend right and let them know.
Until next week, it's not nice to stare,
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