Friday, January 11, 2008

January 11, 2008 Cop-Out

So this week was a pretty hectic one; woke up this morning slightly hungover, mostly just tired. I usually come up with some sort of idea in the shower, but all I did in it this morning was stare at my feet, laugh at the random thunder, and hum “Peanut Butter and Jelly” to myself (you know, the one from Sesame Street). So all I’m giving you today is a video; however, it’s not just any video, this is a special video. Some of you may have seen it already, but it’s seriously the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. It’s very work appropriate, so watch it. Be that cool kid at work that sends out the video. The girls in the office will be throwing panties (foreshadowing for next week) your way and the guys will probably offer to dig you out anytime a snowstorm comes. I guess by the rule of inference Modus Ponens it makes my old man the cool kid in the office. If you send out this video, you are cool. Pops sent out the video. Therefore, Pops is cool. I was jonesing for some logical reasoning today. Enjoy the video.

Wingsuit Basejumping

Song of the Week: “Journey to Anywhere” by Ugly Duckling

Quote of the Week: “The higher you are on the flagpole, the more your butt shows” - Roger Clemens, in regard to receiving criticism

Random Fact of the Week: There’s a superman somewhere in every episode of Seinfeld.

Picture of the Week: I love entertaining and enjoying views, I really do!

Until next week, on the journey to anywhere, you can draw your own map,


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