Friday, November 16, 2007

November 16, 2007 Non-Denominational Holiday Greetings

Seeing as how we’re being force-fed holiday cheer already, I thought I’d bring up an issue that is about as disturbing as Boy George: PC Holiday BS.

I recently heard on the radio that a radio station was having a contest to see how many absurdly ridiculous PC holiday items callers could find. One of the calls mentioned that a Home Depot in the area now had “Holiday Trees.” Wait a minute, a Holiday Tree? What the hell is a Holiday Tree? I know every year my family and I put up a CHRISTMAS Tree, but I’ve never heard of a Holiday Tree before. Oh wait, it’s yet another attempt to make the holidays completely non-denominational and all-inclusive, void of any character and tradition. Well I’m sorry PC Activists out there, I’m going to take my Christmas Tree with me to Sensibleland. C’mon people, give me a break. Can’t call them Christmas Trees anymore? The tree is an actual part of the particular tradition for a religion’s specific holiday. I think it’s getting a bit ridiculous. I can swallow not saying “Merry Christmas” to everyone you see (especially in the part of the city I live in, I think my apartment makes up 20-30% of the Catholic population in our area). But for me to go to a farm or lot and ask for a Holiday Tree? Sorry, not happening; I’m sticking to my guns on this one. What about Christmas Carols? You want to take that away too? Call them Holiday Carols? That’s next on the list to go. All these PCers out there have their asses puckered tighter than a damn snare drum. Thanks for stripping away centuries of tradition, especially in a country that promotes diversity and rests its hat on being the “melting-pot” of the world.

And just wait another 20-30 years, even song lyrics will be censored. Al Sharpton will get in on the deal and force “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” to be changed to “I’m Dreaming of a Snowy Christmas.”

Song of the Week: “Black Mission Goggles” by Man Man. Appropriately described to me as sounding like a crazy Jewish circus . . . on acid.

Quote of the Week: “I went for a walk last night and she asked me how long I was going to be gone. I said, ‘The whole time.’” - Steven Wright

Random Fact of the Week: It snows more in the Grand Canyon than it does in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Picture of the Week: I feel like your target audience may miss the message.

Until next week, Ma . . . the meatloaf! FUCK!



Anonymous said...

cheers !

Anonymous said...

This was your best yet!
Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should complain about the fact that our country is a “melting pot” and how that it shouldn’t be. Our country being a “melting pot” just means that the society wants everyone to melt together to form one culture when in fact we are all completely different from one another and don’t want to conform to one culture. Maybe our country should be more like a salad bowl because everything tastes fine separate but can come together and be a delicious experience.

Anonymous said...

It took me a long time to search on the web, only your site explain the fully details, bookmarked and thanks again.

- Laura