It was humid and overcast that fateful July night in the summer of 2007, the streets bustled with commotion as pedestrians dodged overzealous automobiles. Workers went about their daily routine as dusk approached, setting stage for another unpredictable evening in the dynamic streets of the city. A fresh breeze swept through steel giants as it cooled the faces of the dawdling citizens. As Fred and the Mt. Hood Boys approached the restaurant, uncertainty emerged as unfamiliar faces were greeted with similarly unfamiliar smiles.
Alright, that’s too much effort. Basically I went out to dinner for a friend of a friend’s birthday. Upon doing so, I was introduced to an unfamiliar person of the female persuasion; we’ll call her Stranger Girl. Five minutes or so into the dinner (while sitting next to said female) another friend came in and sandwiched me between Stranger Girl and herself. While the two immediately jumped into personal conversation, I continued to space off and wonder why the Wonder Years was ever cancelled, and how the hell hair bands lasted as long as they did. After falling face first back down to earth, I looked at both girls and volunteered to move so they could talk without damaging the hearing in both of my ears. They felt bad, but agreed. After which, Stranger Girl asked if she was being annoying by talking through me. My response: “Yeah you were, but it’s ok, you only get one chance to make a first impression . . . so much for that one.” Now, I realize I can be pretty dry, and sometimes strangers might not catch onto my sarcasm. However, even I thought that my retort to her statement was pretty dick-like. So the dinner continued, and since I already assumed I had pigeon-holed her impression of me, I kept rolling with it. Fast forward a few hours and a rainy softball game. Another close friend, Anonymous Girl, came up to me and showed me a text message that Stranger Girl had sent her. It read as follows: “I had a great time at dinner, it was good to see everyone . . . Also, Fred was pretty cute, work your magic for me.” (I think she was thinking of someone else).
I can honestly say, the only thing I did was act extremely sarcastic/borderline jerky throughout the entire dinner. Girls=Rosetta_Stone.
Moral of the story: Although Ivy is a fine dining establishment with delectable tapas plates, for the money you pay there are better Tapas restaurants in Boston.
Song of the Week: “Like Eating Glass” by Bloc Party. Brit Rock!
Quote of the Week: “A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.” - George W. Bush
Random Fact of the Week: The citrus soda 7-UP was created in 1929; "7" was selected because the original containers were 7 ounces. "UP" indicated the direction of the bubbles.
Picture of the Week: Good to know, room for two please.

Until next week, danger Will Robinson!
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