Friday, June 15, 2007

June 15, 2007 Hybrid Words

There comes a time in every (wo)man’s life when words need to be abbreviated or fused to describe something. I’m not talking about “obvi” or “fab,” nor fantabulous, I’m talking about the real deal here people, two completely disconnected words coming together in intercourse to manifest an offspring word that will completely transform your vocabulary and also significantly decrease the number of people that talk to you. Here are some of the words that need to be incorporated into the English language:

Voluntyranny©† (volunteer + tyranny): The act of forcing people to volunteer against their own will. Ex: In high school, the coaches would make the football team volunteer to do community service to make ourselves look good to the community. We didn’t want to, but we were forced to through voluntyranny.

Maniactivity©† (maniac + activity): The activity or actions of maniacs. Ex: “Check out that maniactivity; motherfucker be riding a bicycle down Newbury St. yelping at people.”

Populution©‡ (population + pollution): When certain races or less than ideal demographics “pollute” areas/events and ruin its appeal. Ex: The populution is so bad in this place, they should all be shipped back to (insert country/Iranian nuclear testing ground here).

Feel free to create new ones and corrupt your friends as well.

©† 2004 Ben McDearmon and Nils McBride
©‡ 2005 Fred Caloggero

Song of the Week: “Sweets” by Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

Quote of the Week: “How to store your baby walker: First, remove baby.” – Anonymous manufacturer.

Random Fact of the Week: The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees.

Picture of the Week: cmon . . . COME ON. Please don’t breed.

Until next week, let’s go to Moe for the official results.


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