Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23, 2008 Tips

Something I’ve noticed recently that put a small smirk on my face was the fact that Dunkin Donuts has signs taped to the registers of some stores that say, “Please, no tips.” Thank you! I’m sure these have been up for months now, which shows how rarely I actually go. Was I the only one that thought it was slightly unprofessional to have little tip cups in front of the registers? Dunkin Donuts is a legit business chain. I mean, I’d still just leave the change in there if it was less than $.25 (what, I need the quarters for laundry, don’t judge me.) I kind of felt obligated to tip. I didn’t want to find out the hard way how they get that extra zing in the cream filled donuts. But still, I don’t think moving two feet to the side and picking up a donut or a muffin really warrants a tip. Don’t be afraid to throw together a little chicken parm plate while you’re back there either, THEN you’ll see the tip come out.

If I get great service, sure, I’ll tip you. But when I tell you three different times that I want a breakfast sandwich with bacon, I’m not going to give you extra money, sorry. Maybe you should give me some money instead; I think that’s fair. Usually teachers get paid for giving lessons, and I’m sitting here giving you English lessons every time I order. I’ll just pass that off as some good Samaritan community service . . . or maybe I can write that off in my taxes somehow.

And what the hell’s the deal with Snuffleupagus?

Song of the Week: “Minerva” by Deftones

Quote of the Week: “If you ask me anything I don’t know, I’m not going to answer.” – Yogi Berra

Random Fact of the Week: Pluto receives as much solar energy in 25 years as the Earth does in 1 minute.

Picture of the Week: I think the caption says it all.

Until next week, can you scratch my nuts?


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