Friday, April 20, 2007

April 20, 2007 10 Things That Scare Me Most

10: Televangelists
9: Crazy homeless people
8: The day when Scrubs/The Office/Family Guy does not appear on TV
7: Getting a paper cut . . . in the EYE
6: Smelling gas when walking into the apartment (no, not the human kind, the EXPLOSIVE kind)
5: An angry Rich
4: Boy George
3: Extreme Feminists
2: Legislation restricting 1st Amendment rights

And, the number one thing that scares me most in the ENTIRE WORLD:

1: Girls driving SUVs (or any other automobile for that matter) while talking on their cell phones

Song of the Week: "The Only Moment We Were Alone" by Explosions In The Sky. In the words of an anonymous source, their songs make you "feel like you're in a movie."

Quote of the Week: "You read what Disraeli had to say. I don't remember what he said. He said something. He's no longer with us." - Bob Dole

Random Fact of the Week: The word "girl" appears in the Bible only once.

Picture of the Week:

Until next week, don't forget to put on your helmet,


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