· If those 23 million people saw the movie back to back, and the movie is 159 minutes long, it would take 6,957 years and 278 days to finish.
· If you laid everyone who saw the movie down head to toe, it would stretch once around the equator.
· The number of people that saw it was greater than the population of 82% of all the European countries.
· Every person who saw the movie would have a copy of the Spice Girls’ “Spice” album (yep, we went there).
· The number of viewers would outrank all but one city in the entire world in terms of population (Tokyo).
· The number of people who saw it is the same as the entire population of the Ottoman Empire in 1875.
· With the amount of money it grossed, you could buy 8,336,842 Clappers.
· The average American produces 1,609 lbs of garbage per year, equating to .18lbs per hour. Each viewer would have produced roughly .5 lbs of trash during the movie. This means that 5,750 tons of trash were produced from the people watching this movie alone.
· There are an average of 80 people per square mile in the US. This means that we would need 287,500 square miles to fit everyone who saw the movie. This is 20,000 square miles more than the size of Texas.
Song of the Week: “To the Dogs or Whoever” by Josh Ritter.
Quote of the Week: “A hospital bed is a parked taxi with the meter running.” - Groucho Mark
Random Fact of the Week: The three most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro, Coca-Cola, and Budweiser, in that order.
Picture of the Week: That might leave a mark.
Until next week, why so serious?
Fred (and associates)